Saturday, October 28, 2006

Outside Elsewhere

At 8 am, the streets were deserted. I managed to get a snapshot of the Woolworth where the lunch counter sit-ins took place. It was only 3 blocks from Elsewhere.


Friday, October 20, 2006

Elsewhere Alley

Video stills from a collaborative exploration of space and time. A copy of the dvd project will be left at Elsewhere for future artists to respond to and expand upon.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

2nd floor study


brent and I worked furiously to finish the new psychoanalysis room before my departure. it looks absolutely decadent and simultaneously macabre. we worked against the clock. very project runway.

this piece revolves around the intersection of psychoanalysis and the catholic confessional. we worked around the confessional prayer which invokes three kinds of sin: sins of thought, word, and deed. the informal name of this installation is "thought, word, and deed."

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I enjoyed several hours on an old Schwinn three-speed this morning in search of more 120 film.
The weather today is brilliant.
Blue and crystal clear.
I keep thinking this may be the last 70 degree day of the year for me.
There's not a lot of nightlife in GBO as fas as I can see; note the marquee in this picture: EDDIE MONEY this Friday. I promised Holly Hughes I wouldn't use "rock" as a verb anymore, but, that show is going to totally rock!


Further along, I saw two office-types hunched over something on the sidewalk. I circled around to investigate and this is what they were looking at:


musical instrument

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

In the Night Kitchen

dressed for dinner...

eating is good for you

The kitchen is the heart of Elsewhere. My workspace is right next to the kitchen, so I ended up with a lot of pictures of people eating. Meals are a great time to share and laugh.
work continues on the psychoanalysis room:

so when youre in the middle of makin art that speaks to one's inner archetypal journey, bringing mankind to a higher level of consciousness about their existence and placement in the world

its also a good idea to remember to take the occational shower.

or is it really that necessary?
i think the dust simply lets the fabulousness of the Yellow Ribbon Sister's new album photo shine through.

Psychoanalysis Room

Jim, Brent and Gabe have their eyes on recurating this space.

toy tornado

The diamonds that are buried under Elsewhere.

where else?

Like namecards at the table..all sitting together somehow...

Those toys I wanted as a kid are here.
The toys I played with at grandma's are also here.

Grandma is also here.

Layers and layers and layers.

Inbetween hands;

Monday, October 16, 2006

things are gettin tough. ideas coming up, like target practice...

whew. its all about picking and choosing. we're all looking forward to the open studios event this wednesday (plug - if you're anywhere near Greensboro, NC, stop by!) and looking forward to seeing what each of us have been working on while we've been here.
sometimes process can be alllllll riiiiite.

but at the end of the day, we're (and here's the postcard):
"having a wonderful time. wish you were here."
delicious dinner.

our hosts, stephanie and george.

melanie dresses for dinner and then does the dishes!

gabe arrives!